How to Become an Instant Millionaire The Answer May Surprise You

Want to be a millionaire? As you work towards earning money in your spare time, do you ask yourself what your first money goal is? Is it $5,000? What about $50,000? $250,000? $500,000?

I would like to make at least $1 million next year from all sources of income.  I believe in thinking big. After all I wished for $5,000 and got it.

The Instant Millionaire

The book The Instant Millionaire: A Tale of Wisdom and Wealth by Mark Fisher is a wonderful short read that helps you gain insight into your views about what is possible. It is a parable about money. A young man chats with an older millionaire to discover  how the man made his fortune. One of the questions asked in the book is how much money do you want to make.

One of the best ways to achieve your goals is to change your attitudes or beliefs. You can become an instant millionaire just by changing your mindset. You have probably heard the phrase “act as if.” This means having the feeling that you are a millionaire, that you have unlimited abundance. This vibration attracts more good things to you. This is how the Law of Attraction works.

Even if I don’t make a million dollars with the next 12 month, I will make a great deal more money than someone who just wants to make an extra $2.500. The more you reach for, the more you obtain.

The fact is that your character, your thinking, and your beliefs are a critical part of what determines the level of your success. –  T. Harv Eker

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

Another good book along these lines is Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth by T. Harv Eker. This is one of the best books I have read about how our beliefs about money formed in childhood can hold us back financially.

If you were raised to think that rich people are crooks, dishonest, or greedy and you have a high moral compass, do you really think you can become wealthy and enjoy your money?  If you were taught that hard work was the key to success, would you fell guilty if you make a lot of money from passive income sources?  People can sabotage themselves if they don’t feel they deserve all the good things that are happening to them.

Perhaps you already know this, but Secrets of the Millionaire Mind offers suggestions on how to counteract the beliefs that may be stopping you from achieving your financial goals.

If you want to learn how to change your attitudes about money that you learned as a child and start thinking like a rich person, read The Instant Millionaire and Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. These books can offer insight about why some people achieve financial success while others don’t.

What beliefs do you have about money that might be preventing you from earning a great income? Please share in the comments section.

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